In the News
In an effort to continue Bruce's legacy of giving in times of need, the B. W. Bastian Foundation has provided a matching grant to the American Red Cross to assist their work addressing the wild fires in LA.
In an effort to continue Bruce's legacy of giving in times of need, the B. W. Bastian Foundation has provided a matching grant to the American Red Cross to assist their work addressing the wild fires in LA.
Nullam pretium tellus lacinia arcu. Mauris tincidunt ullamcorper elit. Donec eu libero vel massa faucibus pretium. Mauris eu eros at neque fermentum aliquet. Ut libero mauris, ullamcorper sollicitudin, sodales et, sodales ac, sapien. Donec aliquam magna eget pede. Phasellus at tellus eu orci condimentum consectetuer. Morbi ornare. Suspendisse aliquam, leo cursus tincidunt interdum, tellus tellus egestas tellus, pretium tempus arcu justo et augue. Proin hendrerit est nec sapien. Fusce placerat nunc ac ipsum. Curabitur est quam, fermentum nec, consequat quis, tempus eu, turpis.
The following is what you need to do every grant cycle to create a new application form.
To advance our mission of achieving equality that is inclusive of sexual orientation, gender identity and race, the Bastian Foundation requires all organizations seeking funding to have Equal Employment Opportunity policies that include protection based on:
Sorry. This page is for the B.W. Bastian Foundation staff and board only. If you are a board or staff member, please login to the left.
If you feel you got this message in error, please contact us.
Thank you for your application. You should receive an email confirmation shortly.
If you have any questions, please contact us here.
-- B.W. Bastian Foundation
Equality Utah Foundation
Kayenta Arts Foundation
Utah Technical University
Northern Idaho Pride Alliance
2025 Board of Trustees of the B. W. Bastian Foundation:
Clint Ford
Robbie Bastian
McKay Matthews
Rolane Crittenden
Dustin Williams
Johanna Higginson
Michael Marriott/Executive Director
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin fringilla nisl eu erat. Aenean vel ipsum eget sapien luctus interdum. Vivamus tortor velit, congue at, eleifend a, iaculis nec, arcu. Nullam in orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras eu odio. Suspendisse quis metus et ante convallis consequat. Nullam tortor. Curabitur dapibus dolor id purus. Cras volutpat elit et urna. Morbi velit. In luctus lobortis sapien. Praesent mollis ornare dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse faucibus turpis vitae pede.
You can contact the Bastian Foundation by using the form below or by contacting:
Phone: 801.222.3688 x3333
Cell: 202-716-7000
We are experiencing spam issues with our old email server, so we are migrating all emails to our new email address:
Our mailing address remains the same:
51 W. Center #755
Orem, UT 84057